Blending modes Color check

Content ID:1868849

  • Free

A stack of folder that will let you preview your color in different situations.

Sorry for the ugly font but Clip Studio Asset term of service prohibite the use fonts created by other people than myself. Because I never created a font, and I don't know, you will get my perfect readable usable handwriting. 

Ehi!Did you ever wondered what all those blending modes do? How your colors will react? On a practical level, not on a math expert level that a potato intelligence level head ( like myself ) can't understand...
Now you can easily discover it!
This is a folder stack that will let you see what every Blending modes can do!
The color used are red, magenta, blue, yellow, cyan and green. All Blending modes use pure white and black to work
P.s.:To work properly you need to create, before clicking and dragging the asset in your canvas, a canvas with the size of  Width 6876px and Height 8710px

But... do you need to change the colors? Or the text color? Or the background colors? Or the dark/light tones color? Don't worry I've got your back!

You can do it by changing the various level inside the layer stack.

The Base color folder have all the squares in single layers
The Black folder will change the darker tone
The White folder will change the lighter tone

Here's a practical example on how to use it.

But wait... what if you want to make all the changes automatically?

On my website you can buy, with better text, for 2€, the CSP file plus an auto action file that will let you automatically change everything inside the file. From the text color to the shadow/light colors!
The first ten purchase can have a 50% discount using the discount code CSPbunny

Content ID:1868849

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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