Pens that don't know the use (용도를 모르는 펜) 용도를 모르는 펜

Content ID:1868915

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I finally made the pen which I intended, but still do not know the specific use.
No matter how it is used somewhere, the pen will feel happy in the role and position it is assigned.
Please use it well somewhere.
드디어 의도하던 펜을 만들었습니다만, 여전히 구체적인 용도는 모릅니다.
어딘가에 어떻게 쓰이든, 펜은 부여된 역할과 위치에 행복을 느낄 것입니다.
부디 어딘가에 잘 써주시길..

We finally succeeded in creating the pen we were intending!
I still don't know the purpose.

Write well somewhere. I appreciate it!
드디어 의도하던 펜을 만드는데 성공했습니다!
여전히 용도는 모릅니다.

어딘가에 잘 써주세요. 감사합니다!

Pens that don't know the use 용도를 모르는 펜

Content ID:1868915

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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