Add a Balloon shape: set to help in cartoons (フキダシ図形追加:漫画に役立てるセット) フキダシ図形追加:漫画に役立てるセット

Content ID:1867905

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

For both monochrome (white and black on) layers, you can use a brush to draw white and diagonal lines at the same time, or a layer that can be flipped black and white (better not put into a folder while you're unfamiliar with it). The dual-brush feature allows you to adjust the brush settings individually with diagonal and white spraying. A pencil is for a gray or color layer. Added a balloon shape tool. White edge of "connecting" is blurred, but the bonding part is difficult to become strange even if you glue together the form of the brush [connect]. (It is unsuitable to stick it except "connecting" with mere "turbinado edge". Another kind is unsuitable equally. ) モノクロ(白と黒両方オン)のレイヤーで使用すると白散布と斜線が同時に描画できるブラシや、白黒反転できるレイヤー(慣れない間はフォルダーに入れないほうがいい)やペンなどです。デュアルブラシ機能により斜線と白散布は個別にブラシの設定を調整できます。鉛筆はグレーかカラーのレイヤー用です。フキダシ図形ツール追加。「繋ぐ」の白フチはぼかしがかかっていますが、ブラシの形式的に「繋ぐ」同士をくっつけても結合部が変になりにくいです。(単なる「中白フチ」と「繋ぐ」以外はくっつけるのには不向き。別種類同士も同じく不向き。)

Balloon shape フキダシ図形

balloon pen フキダシペン

Black and white flip 白黒反転

Hodgepodge ごった煮

Old version

Content ID:1867905

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 months ago

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