Extras added: Glitter Brush (NEO) set (おまけ追加:塗るキラキラブラシ(ネオ)セット) おまけ追加:塗るキラキラブラシ(ネオ)セット

Content ID:1910904

  • 3,400
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

※ A few brushes of the bonus has been added two.
It is a set of 26 brushes can draw glitter as you paint. Use for gray layers toning. (10 is the Pentagon.) Although most of them are fundamentally different brushes, they contain only different parameters such as 13 and 14. You can change the color. It is easy to use as a one point because it is a brush.

I add a light brush (the brush which is a little different from the Kirasilies to paint). )
It might be good to draw rotundly small.
Existing paint glitter brushes (NEO)


Extra Extras 追加のおまけ

26 species 26種

Old version

Content ID:1910904

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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