Boy/girl 3D head Ver.1 (少年・少女 3Dヘッドver.1) 少年・少女 3Dヘッドver.1

Content ID:1858396

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Only the faces of the boys and girls are 3D models (for reference purposes). 少年・少女の顔だけ3Dモデル(参考用)です。

Only the face of the boy and the girl is a 3D model. I draw a line and color-coded it so that the ratio of the face and parts are easy to understand. You can use it for illustration reference. Head, neck, and hat muscles (around the neck) can be moved, but the eyeball cannot be moved. Moreover, because the movement is not restricted, the phenomenon that the neck of the model is twisted is caused when moving too much. The illustration at the bottom right is a reference to this model.

It is easy to see even without a light source, but there is also a time when it is easier to understand the light source there is a three-dimensional feeling.

↓ From various angles
What I drew with reference




Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:1858396

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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