A brush that adds an emo look to color (色にエモみを足すブラシ) 色にエモみを足すブラシ

Content ID:1847997

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You can use this material with Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10 and newer. ( Download the latest version here )

When the color is not enough, it is a brush that can add a gorgeous just a little by applying the color that I already put in the syringe from above. 色味が足りないときに、すでに置いてある色をスポイトして上から塗るだけで簡単に華やかさをちょい足しできるブラシです。

1. Prepare a painting that somehow feel sober.
2. Color the middle of the base color and shadow color and paint the edge of the shadow.
3. Eyedropper the base color and paint it so that it follows the contour of the part where the light is hitting.
4. Eyedropper the shadow color and paint it so that it follows the outline of the shadow part.
5. Complete the line and color in your favorite!


Content ID:1847997

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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