65 Kinds of simple icons (シンプルアイコン 65種) シンプルアイコン 65種

Content ID:1839906

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It is an icon material that can be used for quick access. クイックアクセスなどに使えるアイコン素材です。

The 「 simple icon that was released last time is a new one of 62 species 」.

It was pointed out from the management support, and the font that I used was that it was not possible to publish the material.

I did not confirm it well when it was written that it was shouted in "Notes about the material exhibition". I'm sorry.

Because it was rebuilt with 「 Ivata Antic body B font 」 This time, please use it if it is so. It is a little slender, but I hope to be useful for someone (* ' ω ' *)

1. Put downloaded material on canvas

2. Image saving

3. Right-click various sub tool → change icon from user settings

4. Complete the tool with quick access.

I was going to replace the material in the update, so I deleted the last one, I re-made new.

Please let us know if there are any deficiencies or glitches.
前回公開していた「シンプルアイコン 62種」の新しいものです。



今回新たに「イワタアンチック体Bフォント」で作り直しましたので、よろしければお使いください! 少しほっそりしましたが、どなたかのお役に立てれば幸いです(*‘ω‘ *)







Pen Eraser ペン・消しゴム

Fill 塗り

Vector related ベクター関連

Selection and transformation 選択・変形

Effects and materials 効果・素材

Frame Balloon Ti コマ・フキダシ

background 背景

Other settings その他・設定等

Content ID:1839906

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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