The renewal version of 얍 that was deleted last time. The thickness of the pen is not changed depending on the slope, and it has a g-pen feel similar to munananpen, but is very thin. Basically, it is recommended for situations where you need to wear a thin pen, doodle, or line art.
지난번에 삭제된 얍봅펜의 리뉴얼 버젼입니다. 기울기에 따른 펜의 굵기 변화가 없고, 무나난펜과 비슷하게 g펜 느낌이 나지만 굉장히 얇습니다. 기본적으로 얇은 펜을 써야하는 상황이나 낙서, 선화 따시는데 추천합니다.