Camera Movement Template

Content ID:1823821

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

template for Zolly,Dolly,Tilt in CSP

Drag the material into your scene.

Align the horizon.

Split your Artwork into different parts, then drag and drop them to the right folder.
Orientation, 1: Back, 6: Front.

There are Two different folder, Tilt and Zolly, use whichever you need.

To make Dolly effect, you will need to disable the keyframe of the zolly(parent only not child) folder. So click disable on zolly folder, then re enable the keyframe of the folder inside the zolly folder only.

To add Dolly on Tilt, replace each folder on the Tilt with the 1-6 folder from the Zolly folder.

Content ID:1823821

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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