Skin Textures

Content ID:1820816

A collection of skin textures that can be used for characters. Simply apply the texture Image Material and scale however you please. Both colored and grayscales are included.

Download the file, add it to your materials data, and drag and drop it to your layer tree and manipulate the scaling and angle however you see fit.

Both colored and grayscales are included. You can choose to make some of the colored versions grayscaled by simply right clicking it>Convert Layer and convert it to Grayscale and delete the original colored from your layer tree.


Content ID:1820816

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

QuixoticNukeLord's profile Go to profile

My real name is Giancarlo Berríos Gilormini, my main career will actually be a chemical physicist research scientist but I also love drawing manga/anime style characters and I also (hopefully), plan to draw an actual manga with characters and a plot.