Thunder Fill Pen & Clear Pen (썬더 채우기펜&지우기펜) 썬더 채우기펜&지우기펜

Content ID:1807470

  • 2,157
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

The fill pen that colors do not overlap even if I write it on one layer
It is comfortable to write while adjusting the size of the pen
Thunder Fill Pen> Its parts are filled with color
Thunder Erase Pen> The color of that part is erased
한 레이어에 써도 색이 겹치지 않는 채우기펜
펜 크기 조절하면서 쓰면 편합니다
썬더 채우기펜> 해당 부분에 색이 채워짐
썬더 지우기펜> 해당 부분의 색이 지워짐

Fill Pen Clear Pen 채우기펜 지우기펜

Content ID:1807470

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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