There were 30 kinds of analog art supplies + α (あったかアナログ画材30種+α) あったかアナログ画材30種+α

Content ID:1806893

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a collection of tools that are good at producing the texture of the warm analogue art supplies. I also included textures and gradient set brush tool. 温かみのあるアナログ画材の質感を出すのが得意なツール集です。ブラシツールの他にテクスチャやグラデーションセットも同梱しました。

[Precautions before use]
-Some of the brush material will be considerably heavier when you have a large brush size (120px or more) . In that case, make sure brush size is small (80px or less) or paper border of watercolor . It may not work on low-spec terminals.
-Brush tool are prepared to match the weak pressure . If you feel uncomfortable with pressure sensitivity, try adjusting the pressure field for each parameter .

[About brush tool]
It is divided into five categories: drawing, concept art, acrylic paint style, watercolor style, and alcohol marker style.
※ Introduction Image is all scale size

▲ Drawing

▲ Drawing1/Antique pencil... It is a pencil that gave the texture of the antique paper. The writing taste with a feeling of soft and moderate Caspar is a feature. Such as rough or main line.
▲ Drawing2/Hoarse sharp pencil... It is a pencil which also issued the peculiar softness of the pencil while maintaining the sharpness like a sharp pen. The smaller brush size as the antique pencil, the more hoarse you will be. To the main line and additions.
▲ Drawing3/Delicate looks brush... It is a thin color brush that changes considerably brush size by pressure. It thickens whenever the line is piled up although it does not do mixing. To the main line and additions.
▲ Drawing4/Ink G-pen... It is a brush that can express powerful with a kutatsu writing taste like the G-pen which I attached a ink. The pressure will comb to weaken. I'm facing the main line.
▲ Drawing5/Vintage G-pen... The G-pen is larger than the ink G-pen. Pretty habit is strong. To the main line and the additions.
▲ Drawing6/Ink Reservoir fountain pen... Like a real fountain pen, it is a brush with ink accumulation and Caspar. On the main line and sound effect.
▲ Drawing7/sound effect fountain pen... This is a tool that specializes in setting up the ink Reservoir fountain pen for sound effect.
▲ Drawing8/particle texture eraser... It is an eraser with an analog texture. I think that it is good if I use it in a place where the default eraser is strange.

■ Concept

■ CONCEPT1/hard dry pastel... Rustling like pastel is a brush of texture. It can also be used for concept art main brushes.
■ CONCEPT2/Soft oil pastel... It is a brush with a damp texture than hard dry pastel. The unevenness is considerably by pressure. It can also be used to fill.
■ CONCEPT3/Wet pastels... Soft oil pastels with border of watercolor brushes. It can also be used for the primer of Transparent watercolor-like illustrations.
■ CONCEPT4/concept texture... It is the brush which can have the texture like the spray to the picture. It can be used instead of a texture.
■ CONCEPT5/concept texture B... It is a brush which can have the texture with a hazy like cloud in the picture. Paper quite out.

● Acrylic

-Acrylic1/Acrylic gouache watercolor... It is a brush to mix color on the screen dry a little. It is convenient for thick coating. Brush shape is close to a flat brush.
-Acrylic2/Acrylic gouache potted... This is a brush that is set to be usable by the main line acrylic gouache watercolor. You can draw a sharp line.
-ACRYLIC3/Dry acrylic gouache... It is a flat brush of the dry texture that the paint was insufficient. Pretty Gasagasa. I do some mixing.
-ACRYLIC4/water a lot acrylic watercolor... It is translucent, and the brush that remains handwriting considerably. It does not blend. It can also be a thick paint main brush.
-ACRYLIC5/water too acrylic watercolor B... It is the one that the border of watercolor was lowered to the acrylic watercolor A A lot of water and the opacity.
-ACRYLIC6/Acrylic Mizui... Adapt is a brush. If it is somewhat, it is possible to drag the color and to extend it.

△ Watercolor

Watercolor1/Water Free watercolor... This is a brush that changes moisture content by pressure. In addition, it is possible to make the expression that the paint is rubbed off with water when the light color is painted on a dark color and it actually rubs it.
Watercolor2/Water less watercolor flat brush... It is the one to reduce the amount of water Mizui freely and to make the brush shape a flat brush.
Watercolor3/exuding watercolor... A brush that Blurred lines can draw as the water exuding. The setting itself is almost the same as the water Mizui.
Watercolor4/Unique watercolor... A brush made for drawing leaves. I think that it is good when I use it when I want to put out texture feeling by overlay when I draw a plant and finish.
Watercolor5/Soggy watercolor... It is watercolor with a lot of moisture. The brush is drawn more heavily, so the border of watercolor is drawn only after the brush has been drawn.
WATERCOLOR6/Texture Watercolor adapt... It is a tool to blend watercolor paints. You can make familiar with the texture left to some extent.
WATERCOLOR7/Paint wiping... It is a brush made aiming at the texture that the paint was wiped off with a cloth. It works the same as the eraser.
WATERCOLOR8/Texture Watercolor Mizui... It is a brush shaved the paint with a texture. It is possible to sharpen it more firmly than wiping paint.

○ Marker

○ Marker1/Alcohol marker... It is a brush that comes out considerably irregularity by pressure. The thicker the layer. It does not blend. It can also be used to graffiti and so on.
○ Marker2/Alcohol marker B... This is a brush with A more moist texture than alcohol marker A. I will strengthen the border of watercolor.
○ Marker3/Color-less blender... This is a brush used to blend alcohol markers.

All of them are seamless textures. I think that it is good to synthesize it with the texture combine from the top of the illustration in overlay. In addition, the analog feeling becomes strong when the layer is synthesized after the texture is pasted and the unsharp mask and the sharp filter are multiplied.

As a bonus, we have two gradient set and a lightweight version of the tool. Gradient set assume that both are used in the gradient map.

● Fountain pen Gradient
Ink Reservoir fountain pen, sound effect the gradient used for the line drawn in the fountain pen. I have created a reference to the incline nap of the fountain pen brand that I use habitually. I think that it is good when I use it when I want to put out an ink feeling more.

1. Draw a line with black (RGB0, 0, 0)
2. Multiply the gradient map (usually at 100% opacity combine mode)
Clipping the tonal correction layer to the layer below will not produce enough effect!

Image processing Filter Set
This gradient set can be used for illustration and photo processing. It is a good feeling to synthesize opacity 40 to 60%. It can also be used for grisaille in gray painting.
Recommended combine mode: usually compared (Ming), overlay, soft light, color

Lightweight version Tool
A lightweight version of the tool that I often use in large brush size. The original tool and the writing taste and the texture are different because it workin' the setting of the paper and the stroke. If you want to use it in a larger brush size, please use it.


The base was painted with hard dry pastels, and the fine places were sharp pencils and other soft oil pastels and unique watercolor. I put the antique paper and white Watson paper on the texture combine, and finally the gradient map of the extras. (Smaller than the original size)

↑ Scale Size

Graffiti & Watercolor Sample

I hope to be useful for your expressive activities.










△ Watercolor6/質感水彩馴染ませ…水彩絵の具をなじませるためのツールです。質感をある程度残したままなじませることが出来ます。














brush tool ブラシツール

Texture テクスチャ

Bonus おまけ

Update history

12/16/2020 Public 2020/12/16 公開

Content ID:1806893

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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