Was there an analog art supply (Update)? (あったかアナログ画材(Update)) あったかアナログ画材(Update)

Content ID:1813808

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a toolset that is good at producing the texture of the warm analogue art supplies. I also included textures and gradient set brush tool. (The new brush number point and the color set were added in 1/16 update) 温かみのあるアナログ画材の質感を出すのが得意なツールセットです。ブラシツールの他にテクスチャやグラデーションセットも同梱しました。(1/16アップデートして新規ブラシ数点とカラーセットを追加しました)

Before use
Some of the brush material is very heavy operation, it may not work in the low spec terminal. Paper and border of watercolor settings may be turned off and improved. In addition, if you set the brush size to 80px or more , the case where the operation becomes considerably heavy is confirmed.
-Brush tool are prepared to match the weak pressure. If you feel uncomfortable drawing, try adjusting the settings of pen pressure for each parameter.
-The number of material is quite large. Please remove the material that you think it is unnecessary as appropriate.

[Recording brush tool list]

[Texture commentary]
All of the texture materials included are seamless.

[Bonus Commentary]

-Image processing filter set... This gradient set can be used for illustration and photo processing. Tonal correction layer > gradient map can be set to an opacity of 40 to 60 per cent to make it feel good. It is interesting to change the layer combine mode.
Analog wind color set... It is a color set made for the auxiliary using the tool of the sub-color system. I made a reference to the gradient which I can do when I use watercolor paint.
Fountain pen gradation... It is an auxiliary tool of fountain pen tool. After drawing with black fountain pen tool (RGB0, 0, 0), the tonal correction layer > Gradient map to synthesize this gradient makes the texture of the ink realistic. It does not work when you apply it from the edit > tonal correction or apply a clipping mask.


↑ It is finished with almost hard dry pastel and soft oil pastel.

I hope it will help you in your creative work!








brush tool ブラシツール

Texture テクスチャ

Bonus おまけ

Update history

Published 2020/12/16 2021/1/16 new Brush 15 points added, new gradient set added, use example image is replaced for slow loading of the image, update the description along with it 2020/12/16 公開
2021/1/16 新規ブラシ15点追加、新規グラデーションセット追加、画像の読み込みが遅いため使用例画像を差し替え、それに伴い解説文の更新

Old version

Content ID:1813808

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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