Spring Alpine (봄팔펜) 봄팔펜

Content ID:1797143

  • 231

Sink pen
It's natural and soft, and it's pretty usable for banmute.

I think the seonhwa pen is soft in its own way, and it's a little bit strong, so i think it's pretty good for graffiti and illustration!

Depending on your taste and situation, please use the coloring pen to change the water loss, the concentration of paint, and the color increase a little bit depending on your preference and situation!

It's hard to cover it for a while when you're bothered to change your pen!
자연스럽고 부드럽게 섞여지고 반무테에도 꽤 쓸만해요~

선화펜도 나름대로 부드럽고 필압도 살짝 센 편이라 낙서에도 일러스트에도 꽤나 괜찮다고 생각해요!

채색펜은 취향과 상황에 따라 편한대로 물감량, 물감 농도, 색 늘이기를 조금씩 변경하며 써주세요!

끝이 세모나서 하다가 세밀한 부분이 나왔는데 펜 바꾸기 귀찮을 때 잠시동안은 커버가능합니다!

Category 1 카테고리 1

Content ID:1797143

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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