Cartoon Water Drops

Content ID:1796673

This pack features three unique brushes designed for painting water and other liquids in a cartoony style, two of which are spray/scatter type for painting many droplets at once.

All brushes rely on the selected main and sub colors. The darker the selected sub color, the more opaque the liquid being portrayed appears. The Single Drop brush is great for creating a plain teardrop shape or easily adding a highlight to objects if both selected colors are the same. Depending on how long your single drop is, you may need to scale the post correction level in the sub-tool settings. The maximum degree of correction is best for long, squiggly lines, whereas a lesser degree is better if you need a short, fat drop to curve properly.

The spacing of individual droplets in both scatter brushes relies on pen speed- the faster the speed, the closer together and more dense they appear. Tweaking the size and shape (thickness) of the brush tip in the sub-tool settings can produce more elongated droplets.

While these brushes were initially intended for portraying water/liquids in particular, I quickly realized that they have many possible uses. The Scatter Drops 2 (round) brush is especially versatile, making great bubbles, beads, peas, etc.

Thank you for your interest in this brush pack! I hope it will be very useful to you.
I struggled with whether or not to charge for this material, but I eventually decided to make it the smallest possible price of 10 Clippy. As an aspiring illustrator, I rely on my purchases of other people's materials to help make my work the best it can be, and I do need a source of "income".

If you find an issue with one of the brushes or have other questions/suggestions (especially for future brushes), please feel free to direct message me!

Thank you again, very much.

Drop Brushes

Content ID:1796673

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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