starting and ending thick brush (入り抜き厚塗りブラシ) 入り抜き厚塗りブラシ

Content ID:1787741

  • 36,228

It is a set of two kinds of brushes that can be one with a draft, a line drawing, a color coating. 下書き、線画、色塗りを一本でこなせるブラシの2種類セットです。

Mixed: Strong color: None
When I use it for line drawing, I draw a soft line when I lower the density of the G.
Left: Petapeta right: Gowa PETA
混色:強 色延び:なし
左:ペタペタ 右:ごわペタ

starting and ending thick brush 入り抜き厚塗りブラシ

Content ID:1787741

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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