Sanna Pen (서나나 펜) 서나나 펜

Content ID:1783044

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It is a pen which i originally produced because the G pen did not fit.
The ends are smooth and smooth, and the pen's concentration varies depending on the force.

The pressure belongs to the almost missing part,
It's good to draw a light lying line.
기존에 G펜이 맞지않아서 제작한 펜입니다.
끝부분이 부드럽게 처리되있고 매끄러우며,힘조절에 따라 펜의 농도가 달리집니다.

필압은 거의없는편에 속하고
가볍게 슥슥 선을 그을때 좋습니다.


Content ID:1783044

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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