Material Collection-image material illustration... Amount (素材集-画像素材イラスト…額) 素材集-画像素材イラスト…額

Content ID:1774549

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It is not the amount of the detailed pattern, but I am glad if there is only one using it. 緻密な模様の額ではありませんが、1つでも使っていただけものがあれば、嬉しく思います。

Thank you for your interest in this material. Thank you.

This illustration is a collection of about A4 size, four to six kinds of forehead, and five.

To choose the amount you want to use, follow these steps:
1) Drop the material with the amount you want to use on the canvas.
2) rasterize the layer.
3) Select the portion of the amount you want to use.
4) Select invert and press the Delete key

Rasterize, you can enjoy the change of hue and so on in tonal correction.
I thought that the amount that the picture was drawn tasted the atmosphere and added it.
It is OK even if I use it as it is, it is OK to delete the part of the picture or to put a different picture from the top and to use it freely.

I hope that you can enjoy it alone for a little while looking at this material.






Illustrations イラスト

Content ID:1774549

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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