Sketch cross-hatching Balloon Ti sample image (点描カケアミフキダシサンプル画像) 点描カケアミフキダシサンプル画像

Content ID:1745041

  • 647
  • Free

This is a sample image of a sketch cross-hatching drawn using the balloon tool of a paid material.

It is for confirming how to see the point fragment.

The person who is anxious first download this place and confirm it.

It is a sample image for confirmation, but please use it if it is possible to use it as it is in the balloon.

It is a use assumption in monochrome B4/600dpi.

When I use it as a material, it is a non-recommended because the pixel becomes dirty because the angle change other than the size of the 90 degree increments.

Feel free to use it if you don't mind.








Sample image サンプル画像

Content ID:1745041

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago