Document B5 size 600dpi layer Saving type (同人原稿B5サイズ600dpiレイヤー節約型) 同人原稿B5サイズ600dpiレイヤー節約型

Content ID:1740055

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B5 size for the coterie that I often use recently template 最近自分がよく使っている同人向けB5サイズテンプレート

  1. Just put the balloons in the frame and the layers you need each time.
  2. White layer arrangement for topical. When you have finalized frame border, you should paint outside.
  3. Pen put solid tone background other main things placed underneath frame border.
  4. At the top of the draft layer, place the yellow blue red translucent border. The progress can be seen at a glance by hiding the work of the layer name by the end.
Layer saving type of ten I often use, has been finalized so Tinker recently, I'll throw here because it's great pains.
What is a saving type?!
Too many layers and not manageable man or PC spec layer for the man to explode and continue to increase

What is the top colorful layer?
Refreshing to whiten the edge fast.
Because you can understand the extent of the outside cut in the "Oh, I painted the good luck here is not cut off anyway" and noticed that the hand out of the character is easy to adjust so as not to enter there.

The onomatopoeia layer for sound effects is already edge-set

  • Screen tone of the black solid layer of the transparent change, put the folder in a group "toning", so you can play with a numerical value to your liking!
  • The solid system is put together in a folder from the top "white hair, solid solid..." Order
  • You can change your favorite line drawings for two vector layer.
  • The background folder looks like a vector line drawing.
  • The layers in the Drafts folder change colors to your liking (personally discriminating and setting a gentle color for the eyes)
  • Ruler folders are more manageable perspective ruler
It's all good because I have a lot of ten pre-made things for me...!
  1. コマの中はフキダシ(またはその都度必要なレイヤー)を入れるだけにする。
  2. コマ外用に白レイヤー配置。コマ枠確定したら外を塗りつぶすと良い。
  3. ペン入れベタトーン背景その他主なものはコマ枠下に配置。
  4. 一番上に下書きレイヤーで黄色青赤の半透明枠を配置。レイヤー名の作業が終わり次第非表示にすることで進捗がひと目でわかる



  • スクリーントーンは黒一色レイヤーの透過度変えたものをまとめてフォルダーにいれて「トーン化」してるので、お好きに数値なりいじってみて
  • ベタ系はフォルダにまとめて入ってて上から「髪ホワイト・髪ベタ・ベタ…」って順番
  • 線画用は二枚ベクターレイヤー(お好きに変更して
  • 背景フォルダにベクター線画用・その他みたいな感じ
  • 下書きフォルダ内のレイヤーは好きに色を変更して(個人的に判別付きやすく目に優しそうな色を設定)
  • 定規フォルダは増え続けるパース定規などの管理用

Content ID:1740055

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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