It is a set of a watercolor style brush and a pencil-like brush that the paper comes out strongly. 紙質が強く出る水彩風ブラシとえんぴつ風ブラシのセットです。
It is a little thinner pencil of HB."Synthetic brush tip between comparisons" is darker when unchecked.
Drew-Shikaku Drew-Maru
The paper is drawn when the force is drawn and it paints it fail well and it paints it lightly.It is analog-ish when I paint it as uneven.The combine mode of the brush to "multiply" the transparent watercolor, "normal" if you opaque watercolor.Border of watercolor is your choice.If you want to change the draw taste, please try to play the curve of brush density settings of pen pressure.
えのぐ-しかく ・ えのぐ-まる
Brush ブラシ