A variety of ingredients brushes (いろいろ食材ブラシ) いろいろ食材ブラシ

Content ID:1732339

  • 10,504

Rice, fried chicken, lettuce, fried chicken, fried vegetables, stir fry, salad, ramen, shorter brush when drawing a dish of the kind. Can be used to replace the color. 米・唐揚げ・レタス・唐揚げ・揚げ物・野菜炒め・サラダ・ラーメン類なんかの料理を描くときの時短ブラシです。カラー入れ替えして使えます。

It is a brush that can do the table in a short time.
They are presented at the top of the screen.

※ I added a brush of Ver. 2019/1/9 resolution.
If you jagi not enough resolution, please try to use the line width adjustment action that is published in ID = 1731094 per Jagismooth. (Please convert brightness to opacity before use.)

↓ Fried chicken with rice, sunny lettuce, cabbage shredded, paprika, carrots... Example of use.




Rice ご飯

Update history

I added some brushes with 2019/1/9 resolution Ver. 2019/1/9 解像度あげたVerのブラシをいくつか追加しました。

Content ID:1732339

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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