NA_-Torres Pen Curve (NA_トレス用ペン曲線) NA_トレス用ペン曲線

Content ID:1731026

  • 1,835
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This material is used in CLIP STUDIO TIPS training and tutorials [Japanese animation style] Digital video, the basics of the original work.
* NA = Japanese animation stands

Please see the course for how to use the material.
■ [Japanese animation current] Basics of digital video, original work
この素材はCLIP STUDIO TIPS使い方講座「【日本アニメーション流】デジタル動画、原画作業の基本」で使用しています。


It is a curve tool material to match the texture of the "NA_ Torres Pen" for Torres. The line is closed with a pen specializing in Torres when making a video.


Update history

Content ID:1731026

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago

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