Toy camera wind processing auto action (トイカメラ風加工オートアクション) トイカメラ風加工オートアクション

Content ID:1725982

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is auto action to put the filter of toy camera to the picture that I drew.

◆ 0.0 Sphere
Open the data you finished drawing.

* Be sure to save.
Auto action load the PC with the environment (for example, when dealing with large-sized pictures)
It's a good idea to back up your data so that it's okay to kill CLIP STUDIO.

At this time, if there is only one layer, such as integrated, copy the layer and position it in two pieces.
You do not need to do this if you have more than two pieces.

◆ 1. Define Blur Range
Select any location with the selection tool.
It is the specification that the outside of the selected range is blurred so that the focus is shifted.

◆ 2. auto action execution

◆ 3. For your preference
Three layers have been increased after auto action run.
Because you can fine-tune it by fiddling with the setting of the noise layer and the tone curve layer, please in preference.








Content ID:1725982

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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絵を描くフリーランス。 自分用素材なので使い勝手が悪いものもあると思いますが、よかったら使ってください。 ダウンロード、いいね、ギフト、いつもありがとうございます!