Grunge Texture Brushes

Content ID:1720885

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Grunge/Gauze texture brushes made on cardstock with traditional india ink and makeup applicator.
They can be used to create things like mood/emotion, rusty or dirty textures.

As the sample shows, the default settings of the brushtips are set to be black and white, so they are actually opaque. This is done to draw and cover up as you use the brush.

After drawing the texture you want, go to edit and click “convert brightness to opacity” to get rid of the white. It is possible to also reverse or change the colors in the palettes or layer types.

(Particle size is shown at 400, which should also be the download defatult size.)

Category 1

Content ID:1720885

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago

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Hello! I am a digital artist from America and I use CSP for almost all of my art. I do mostly digital paintings, but I am writing a webcomic on the side. Please check my social media to see more of my art, thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day :)!