It is a brush to pollute the wall, the floor, and the thing such as soil dirt, rain muscle marks, moss, rust expression. 土汚れ、雨の筋跡、苔、サビ表現など、壁・床・物を汚す用のブラシです。

Wall Dirt Brushes 壁汚れブラシ
Update history
2018/6/4. Distribution Start 2018/6/4 配布開始
It is a brush to pollute the wall, the floor, and the thing such as soil dirt, rain muscle marks, moss, rust expression. 土汚れ、雨の筋跡、苔、サビ表現など、壁・床・物を汚す用のブラシです。
Wall Dirt Brushes 壁汚れブラシ
Update history
2018/6/4. Distribution Start 2018/6/4 配布開始