Japanese Pattern Plum Brush Set (和柄梅ブラシセット) 和柄梅ブラシセット

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I set the Japanese pattern of the plum brush which I made for the pattern of the kimono on the cover of the book.

Because it is for the handle of a kimono, it is not a feeling of the chili, but it draws the pattern by the hand drawing of the free hand intentionally.


Plum White Plum Brush
Gold Plum Brush
Plum Bud Brush
It is set of three points.

Example of Use

In the use example
1. First, sprinkle the brush with the gold and plum buds and draw the branches with a pen underneath it.
2. From the top, sprinkle the plum with a plum white-brush, thin it in places with an airbrush eraser, and blend in with the clarity.
Use and so on.


1. まず金梅と梅つぼみブラシを散らして、その下にペンで枝を描きこむ
2. その上から紅梅白梅のブラシで梅を散らして、所々エアブラシ状の消しゴムで薄くしたり、透明度をいじってなじませる

Brush ブラシ

Content ID:1714353

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago

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