HK Watercolor Pens 4 (HK水彩ペン4) HK水彩ペン4

Content ID:1705575

  • 809

It is a watercolor brush with texture. 質感のある水彩ブラシです。

It is a watercolor brush with texture.

★ Pressure brush size, the opacity changes.
When the pressure is weak and the brush size is small, the texture feeling is weak and the texture feeling is strong if the pressure is strong and the brush size is large.
It is not a complete opaque, it becomes a fill brush with a little transparent state.

Because I set a ★ paper, if I want to adjust the size of the texture, please set in sub tool detail pallet > paper.




Update history

Content ID:1705575

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago

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