It is a brush to blur the part of the leaves and bushes, and to blend. Try the surrounding color eyedropper and then draw additional with this brush. 木の葉や茂みの部分ぼかしや、なじませるためのブラシです。 周辺の色をスポイトしてから、このブラシにて追加描画してみてください。
When drawing from the darkest part of the bushes or leaves to the brightest part, it may be too much discomfort.
In such a case, pick a color around the part that has already been drawn (eyedropper), used to blend in this "leaf blur additional brush".
- Rather than "blur" The color of the part that has already been drawn is colorless,
It is the feeling that the color of the surrounding is eyedropper by oneself, and the color is put and blends it.
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