瘀傷刷(免費! (Bruise brushes (free!)) Bruise brushes (free!)


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刷子可以創建逼真的半癒合瘀傷。 Brushes to create realistic half-healed bruises.


如果你想更好地控制你的瘀傷顏色和圖案,我還有一套付費的(剪貼)刷子,它們有不同的顏色,所以你可以自己分層,還有一些額外的好東西。老實說,這些更容易使用,即使你也得到了這些,我建議下載這些。它們的物料編號 為: 2077687






This is a set of three brushes to create realistic looking bruises. They come in a variety for light skin and one for dark skin. 

If you want more control over your bruise colors and patterns, I also have a set of paid (clippy) brushes that have the different colors so you can layer them yourself, and a few extra goodies as well. Honestly though these are easier to use, and I recommend downloading these even if you also get those. The material number for them is: 2077687

These brushes should be used on their own layer with blending style "normal" and then merged later if need be. This is because their pen style is set to "darken" so that they make an appropriate texture, but if used on a layer that already has something on it, they won't look right.

A note on the variety for dark skin: unfortunately I couldn't find references for what bruises look like on very dark skin and my own skin is very very light so I had to make my best guess based on the medium-dark references I could find. I think it should work okay on most skin tones, but very dark skin might need a different blending mode or something.

There is a second light skin brush but it's the same as the first one just with the opacity cranked up for people who want to have a sort of acceptable looking bruise with one swipe. It really looks better if you use the regular one though.

Although they'll make an okay old bruise if you just scribble once, it looks a lot better if you build with multiple light strokes. As is usual for my brushes, tilt controls size, which in this case means you can do bruises that are patterned as if the person got struck with a specific object.

It also looks pretty good on both skin tones if you mostly use the brush for that skin tone but dab the other one around some too. For dark skin, use the light skin brush very sparingly on the edges; for light skin, put a dot or two of the dark skin brush near the center. You can also use them with Hard Light blend to make slightly more realistic bruises on medium-toned skin, or for more fresh bruises on light and dark skin.

快速免費的瘀傷刷 Quick and free bruise brushes


公開日期 : 6 months ago

更新日期 : 6 months ago

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Disabled and stuck in bed most of the time means I have a lot of time to learn to draw.