Extrusion (押し出し加工) 押し出し加工

Content ID:2159772

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a auto action made for processing titles, texts, onomatopoeia etc. 題字やテキスト、オノマトペ等を加工するために作ったオートアクションです。

It was made on the assumption that one character will be processed with a size of around 2 cm (600 dpi).
It was made for text processing, but it can also be used for images.
I think the thicker the lines of the letters, the better they look.

【How to use】
(1) Select the image layer and text layer you want to process.

(2) Play your favorite auto action.

【Type of auto action】
There are two species in total.

【In such a case】
Q.When I play auto action, I get the message "○○○○ cannot be executed at this time. Do you want to continue?" A dialog will appear.
A.There is no problem, so please press [OK] as it is to continue.





Q.オートアクションを再生すると「現在 ○○○○ は実行できません。続行しますか?」というダイアログが出てくる。

Content ID:2159772

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 3 hours ago

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