It is mainly packed with brushes that can be used for comics. 主に漫画に使えそうなブラシを詰めています。
It is a set of brushes that can be used for landscape painting, background painting, drawing natural objects, etc.
It is intended for use with black and white manuscripts / 600 dpi.
【Example of use】
Category 1 カテゴリ1
TR Flying Bird v1 tr飛ぶ鳥v1
TR Flying Bird v2 tr飛ぶ鳥v2
Connect v1_ tr smoke tr煙v1_つながる
Connect v2_ tr smoke tr煙v2_つながる
Connect v3_ tr smoke tr煙v3_つながる
Connect v4_ tr smoke tr煙v4_つながる
TR Snowfall v1_ connected tr降雪v1_つながる
TR Snowfall v2_ connected tr降雪v2_つながる
TR Snowfall v3_ connected tr降雪v3_つながる
Connected v4_ tr snowfall tr降雪v4_つながる
TR Snow V1 tr積雪v1
TR Connected v2_ snow accumulation tr積雪v2_つながる
tr Broken Line V2 tr途切れ線v2
TR Wall Rim V1 tr壁の縁v1
TR Wall Rim V2 tr壁の縁v2
TR Wall Yogoshi v1 tr壁よごしv1
TR Wall Yogoshi v2 tr壁よごしv2
tr crack v1 trひび割れv1
tr crack v2 trひび割れv2
tr ground line v1 tr地面の線v1
tr ground line v2 tr地面の線v2
tr ground line v3 tr地面の線v3
TR Kusamura v12 tr草むらv12
TR Kusamura v13 tr草むらv13
TR Grass V14 tr草むらv14