Palm brush (掌ブラシ) 掌ブラシ

Content ID:2159445

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This is an image brush of a palm with fingers outstretched.
Five different images with different angles are drawn in sequence.
Since the wrinkles are drawn realistically, please delete or
add to them depending on your style.
Please use it as a rough sketch or a rough draft,
as the details will be lost if you shrink it.


This is an image brush of a palm with fingers outstretched.
Five different images with different angles are drawn in sequence.
Since the wrinkles are drawn realistically, please delete or
add to them depending on your style.
Please use it as a rough sketch or a rough draft,
as the details will be lost if you shrink it.

Content ID:2159445

Published : 4 hours ago

Last updated : 4 hours ago

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❖インディーズゲーム製作者 ❖自分用に作成したブラシなどを公開しています