Water Brush (물 브러쉬) 물 브러쉬

Content ID:2157995

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The brush which customised a watery brush 물 많음 브러쉬를 커스텀한 브러쉬

It is a good pen for stacking semi-rimless coloring
After coloring the monochromatic on the line art that you have already drawn, the softer it will look as you pile it on top
I customized a pens with plenty of water

A versatile pen that can be used from line drawing to coloring
However, it can be a little difficult to adjust the pressure
I've made a few weak strokes

Line drawing example material▼ (top is the most recent)

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선화 예시 자료▼ (맨 위가 가장 최근)

Content ID:2157995

Published : 4 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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