Motorcycle Red Single Seat VR2 (オートバイ赤シングルシートvr2) オートバイ赤シングルシートvr2

Content ID:2157710

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You can use this material with Clip Studio Paint Ver.2.2.0 and newer. ( Download Clip Studio Paint Ver.2.2.0 )
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It's a little retro single seat motorcycle
Please enjoy because it can be displayed in several types

Thank you for downloading a lot of the first generation "motorcycle red single seat"
Improvements such as problems in the first generation and
It will be VR2 where you can enjoy several types of atmospheres by showing and hiding parts additions.

You can choose your favorite part from the parts display list to change the atmosphere.

Luggage on the loading platform is also included, but it may be a good idea to put your favorite one on it.

The handle and side stand move, but the bank angle can also be adjusted directly from the "pose parts preset".

To change the display of each part, open the object list from the "Show object list" button and select the hidden part.
If you hide security parts, lights, light stays, etc. and show bibs, you will become lacy.

When you press the "Return the model to the initial pose" button, it no longer disassembles in the air.
Sorry for the inconvenience>

Have a fun CLIP STUDIO life (≧▽≦)





それぞれのパーツ表示変更は「オブジェクトリストを表示」ボタンからオブジェクトリストを開いて 表示非表示部品を選択します



material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • Movable handle ハンドル可動
  • Side Stand サイドスタンド
  • Bank angle バンク角

Old version

Content ID:2157710

Published : 7 hours ago

Last updated : 5 hours ago

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