Movable roof and lid model.
There are no strings and the keyboard does not move.
The total length is about 180 cm.

material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
white white
silhouette silhouette
disposition 配置
full throttle 全開
Fully closed 全閉
Opening the keyboard lid 鍵盤蓋開け
Front roof opening 前屋根開け
Music stand ON 譜面台ON
Keyboard lid closed 鍵盤蓋閉じ
Music stand OFF 譜面台OFF
Music stand OFF keyboard lid closed 譜面台OFF鍵盤蓋閉じ
angle アングル
Keyboard side 鍵盤側
across 横
Front side 正面側
Rear side 背面側