Webtoon Canvas Safe Zones

Content ID:2156236

  • Free

(forgive me copyright gods)

Couldn't find a download or template for Webtoon Canvas Safe Zones, so I just made them myself and thought I'd share.

NOTE: I only ever work in double the size as listed on Webtoon.

For Square Thumb:
- 1080 x 1080 (Webtoon Recommended)
- 2160 x 2160 (My Settings (just 2x size))

For Vertical Thumb:
- 1080 x 1920 (Webtoon Recommended)
- 2160 x 3840 (My Settings (just 2x size))

Lines may look blurry in Recommended size, but should still be accurate.


Create a New File. Either use 1080 x 1920 (Webtoon Recommended) or 2160 x 3840 (2x size)

Make Sure to CHECK: Template and SELECT: Vertical Safe Zone (Should appear in Downloaded Material).


Create File and it should look like this:

NOTE: The "Safe Zone" (Inside Green Box) is what will NOT be blocked by Webtoon Canvas Labels.


Create a New File. Either use 1080 x 1080 (Webtoon Recommended) OR 2160 x 2160 (2x size)

Make Sure to CHECK: Template and SELECT: Square Safe Zone

Create File and it should look like this:

NOTE: The "Safe Zone" (Inside Green Box) is what will NOT be blocked by Webtoon Canvas Labels.


Create a New File.

Find Template in Materials and Drag it onto the page

It should look like this:

NOTE: This example was for Vertical Safe Zone, but it works the exact same way for Square Safe Zone. Only difference is dimensions and template.

Category 1

Content ID:2156236

Published : 4 hours ago

Last updated : 4 hours ago

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