The Brave Is Back 14 Poses to Lend Shoulders with the Wounded (勇者は帰ってきた 負傷者と肩を貸すポーズ14個) 勇者は帰ってきた 負傷者と肩を貸すポーズ14個

Content ID:2155930

  • 430
  • Free
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.12.0. ( Download the latest version here )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a collection of poses for the wounded and those who lend their shoulders.
I made it hoping that everyone's hero would come back.
I would be happy if you could use it.

[What is included in this material collection]

・Pose: Shoulder lenders 01~06
People who lend me a shoulder 01~06
People calling out to the injured 01
People Falling Face Down 01
More than 14 pieces


【Example of use】

I try not to be unnatural in the center of gravity and skeletal muscles.
Please try using it from various angles.
Also, this time it was a fantasy pose, so I tried not to know where and how much I was injured.


・Model default 3D drawing figure-Ver.2 (male)
Height 175.0cm
Head and body 7.3
* [Environment] →[3D]→ [Model settings] is selected in the [Model Settings] item.
Drawing dolls may apply. If necessary
Please change it.

・ Arrangement, etc. Since they are arranged in a row as shown in the overall figure, according to the purpose
Please adjust and register as appropriate.

The models in the set can be moved together by selecting Shift.
At that time, from sub tool detail, in [Operations], click
Align the movement and rotation reference axes to Ground
You can adjust it effortlessly.


The price and contents of materials are subject to change without notice.


 ・ポーズ   肩を貸す人 01~06
        肩を貸してもらう人 01~06
        負傷者に声をかける人 01
        うつぶせに倒れる人 01 





・モデル  デフォルト 3Dデッサン人形-Ver.2(男性)
       身長  175.0cm
       頭身  7.3

・配置等  全体図のように並んだ状態で配置されますので、用途に応じて

       その際サブツール詳細から [操作] 内の
       移動基準軸と回転基準軸を[地面に合わせる] に



The Brave Is Back All Filled 勇者は帰ってきた全部入り

Content ID:2155930

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

まにまに素材部's profile Go to profile

素材開発チームです。Blenderでモデリングやリギングを行っています。 クリスタでは3D素材やポーズを中心に制作していきます。 ジャンルは現代風、和洋ファンタジー風が多くなる予定です。 使いやすく臨場感のある素材を提供できるようがんばりますので、応援よろしくお願いします。

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