There are three types: black line only, with thick line outside the black line, and with white back on the moon part.
6 types of 3 types with only black lines of color 1 and 2, thick lines outside the black lines, and white backs on the moon part
There are 4 colored plates on the white background, for a total of 13 types.
白バック部分に色が付いた版が4種で 合計13種入りです
black and white 白黒
Colored 色付き
Moon Star Ornament Color 1 月星飾り色1
Moon-star ornament color 1 outer thick line 月星飾り色1外側太線
Moon star ornament color 1 with thick outer line solid 月星飾り色1外側太線ベタ付
月星飾り色1外側太線ベタ partial color payment 月星飾り色1外側太線ベタ部分色付
Moon Star Ornament Color 2 月星飾り色2
Moon-star ornament color 2 outer thick line 月星飾り色2外側太線
月星飾り色2外側太線ベタ部色付 月星飾り色2外側太線ベタ部分色付
Moon Star Ornament Color 3 月星飾り色3
Moon Star Ornament Color 4 月星飾り色4
Moon Star Ornament Color 5 月星飾り色5