Here's a summary of what we've created so far.
We aim for a realistic texture overall.
I think it's easy to increase the amount of information!
There are two types of pencils: those that are easy to use and those that are peculiar but full of realism.
The new scale brush is based on the concept that anyone can easily draw realistic scales.
Brushes ブラシたち
Kanade oil paint flat brush かなで油彩平筆
Kanade gouache かなでガッシュ
Kanade Information Pen かなで情報ペン
Kanade Info Pen 2 かなで情報ペン 2
Kanade variable dot pen かなで可変ドットペン
Kanade Original Pen かなでオリジナルぺん
Kanade scale brush かなで鱗ブラシ
Kanade Scale Brush 2 かなで鱗ブラシ 2
Kanade smooth pencil かなで滑らか鉛筆
Kanade quirky pencil かなでクセあり鉛筆