Holokira Texture Set (ホロキラテクスチャセット) ホロキラテクスチャセット

Content ID:2146477

  • 12,220
  • 100 GOLD
  • 200 CLIPPY

This is a set of glossy hologram foil-like texture materials.
You can simply layer it on letters, decorations, frame materials, etc. to add texture, or layer it on hearts and stars scattered on illustrations to create a hologram sticker style.

■ Number of materials: 19

■ Image size: [D/S#01~12] is 2200×1200px,
[R#01~07] is 1500×1500px.

■ [HoloxKira D] and [HoloxKira S] have the same base texture, but the fine patterns that appear to emerge are different.
In addition, the way the pattern emerges is also slightly different between D and S.

* All image material have seamless patterns, but [D / S # 01 ~ 12] has a pattern that will feel uncomfortable if the size is excessively reduced and pasted over a wide area of the canvas, so it is recommended to use it for partial processing and decoration of illustrations *


■ 収録素材数:19点

■ 画像サイズ:【D/S#01~12】は2200×1200px、

■ 【HoloxKira D】と【HoloxKira S】はそれぞれベースとなるテクスチャは同じものですが、浮かび上がっているように見える細かい模様が異なります。


HoloKira D HoloKira D

HoloKira S HoloKira S

HoloKira R HoloKira R

Content ID:2146477

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 20 days ago

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