Crown (Crown) Crown

Content ID:2144974

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Hi ,

some crowns i made 

There is some color variations.

I did little drawing to see what it looks like ( didn't add any effect on the crown but i reccommand adding highlights to make the stones look better

use a clipping mask to easily remove the unseen part 

use them as you wish

If you want me to add a specific color : 

message me the color code with a screenshot of what it would look like 
if it looks good I will add it


Hi ,

some crowns i made 

There is some color variations.

I did little drawing to see what it looks like ( didn't add any effect on the crown but i reccommand adding highlights to make the stones look better

use a clipping mask to easily remove the unseen part 

use them as you wish

If you want me to add a specific color : 

message me the color code with a screenshot of what it would look like 
if it looks good I will add it


Category 1 Catégorie 1

Content ID:2144974

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 3 hours ago

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