Round pen (둥근거친펜) 둥근거친펜

Content ID:2144771

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Round and rough pens met. I tried a round pen with a rough pen setting and it looks perfect for me, so I'm going to put it up. It was like this, but it can't be helped if it's deleted
You can think of the thinness of a round pen + the texture of a rough pen. The existing rough pens are blunt and difficult for me to write.

둥근 펜과 거친 펜이 만났습니다. 둥근 펜에서 펜끝 설정을 거친 펜으로 해봤는데 저한테 딱 좋길래 올려봅니다. 이랬는데 삭제되면 어쩔 수 없죠 뭐 ㅠ
둥근 펜의 가늘기+거친 펜의 질감을 생각하시면 됩니다. 기존의 거친 펜은 뭉뚝해서 제가 쓰기가 좀 힘들더라고요.

Content ID:2144771

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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