
Content ID:2142933

Create your own portals and wormholes to other dimensions. Includes brushes and some pre-made portal images.

This is a large pack of more than 25 stamp brushes for creating your own beautiful portals and wormholes, with a bonus of some portal images ready to use.

Brushes are intended to be layered creatively, and include several types:

Bases: a large back image, intended to be used as a mask or base color layer.
Borders: Circular borders to define the boundaries of a portal.
Masks: Interesting swirl images in pairs that can be used as masks or overlays.
Zooms: Zooming light for an overlay or add (glow) layer.
Sparkles: Finishing sparkles for an overlay or add (glow) layer.

To make an image like this:







Content ID:2142933

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

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