Embossing auto action (エンボスオートアクション) エンボスオートアクション

Content ID:2139593

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A auto action that can be embossed with CLIP STUDIO PAINT! CLIP STUDIO PAINTでエンボス加工ができるオートアクション!

It is a auto action that can emboss any shape or text


(1) Select the shape or text layer you want to emboss
(2) After performing the auto action, enter the embossing width (about 0 to 40 is appropriate, and if it is more than that, it will not be processed very neatly)
(3) For the second numerical input, enter half the value entered in (2).
(4) For the third numerical input, enter the value entered in (2) as it is.
(4) When the process is finished, embossing and embossing A reverse folder will be generated. You can change whether the proof is applied from the upper left or the lower right depending on whether it is displayed.

(5) Inside each folder, there is a yellow "Highlight Adjustment Layer". Double-click on this layer thumbnail to see the brightness and contrast parameters.

The meaning of each parameter is as follows:
Brightness = roughness You can adjust the glossiness
Contrast = Metallic You can adjust the degree of reflection


If the angle of the corner is sharp, such as a triangle ▲ or a star, ★ it will not be handled properly, so please avoid using it as much as possible.


④処理が終わるとエンボス加工エンボス加工 反転フォルダーが生成されます。そちらが表示されているかで証明が左上からか、右下から当てられているのかを変更できます。


明るさ=ラフネス  光沢具合を調整できます
コントラスト=メタリック 反射具合を調整できます



Content ID:2139593

Published : 2 months ago

Last updated : 2 months ago

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イラストレーターです。女の子描きます。 CLIP STUDIO PAINTで使える「こんな機能があったらいいな〜」というのをオートアクションとかにしてる人です。ブラシも配布してますよ。