A set of 120 colors of champagne that looks somehow delicious (なんとなく美味しそうなシャンパン120色セット) なんとなく美味しそうなシャンパン120色セット

Content ID:2139201

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  • Free

なんとなく美味しそうなシャンパン120色セットです。 あくまでもなんとなく作りましたので過不足の調整をお願いします。
It's a "Somehow a Delicious Champagne 120-color set". I kind of made it, so please adjust it yourself.
It is recommended for those who want to express champagne with illustrations and greeting cards, those who work in restaurant & café, and those who want to feel like drinking champagne.
It's a "Somehow a Delicious Champagne 120-color set".I kind of made it, so please adjust it yourself.
It is recommended for those who want to express champagne with illustrations and greeting cards, those who work in restaurant & café, and those who want to feel like drinking champagne.

Content ID:2139201

Published : 11 hours ago

Last updated : 5 hours ago

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有難うございます!iPhoneで作成したなんとなく素材をアップしてます。いつかPCで作れたらと思います。まだまだ勉強中です。素材が変でしたら、お手数ですが直接お知らせ下さると非常に助かります!ブログ作りました★ Thank you as always.I'm uploading the material I created with my iPhone.I hope I can make it on a PC someday. I'm still studying. I made a blog!★