Hand-painted hexagonal balloon (手描き六角フキダシ) 手描き六角フキダシ

Content ID:2138716

  • 13
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a hand-drawn hexagonal balloon set. 手描きの六角形のフキダシセットです。

Created in monochrome 600 dpi.
It is a balloon that looks like it was drawn with a hand-drawn pen.
It is a set of 20 pieces in total of 3 types.
Since it is hexagonal, it is easy to transform according to the corners of the panel, and I think the characters fit well.
I think it is easy to arrange because there are few control points of balloons.


Rokkaku Maru 六角マル

Hex Kado 六角カド

Hexagonal gata 六角ガタ

Content ID:2138716

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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