Hand-drawn thought balloon tail (手描きフキダシ丸しっぽ) 手描きフキダシ丸しっぽ

Content ID:2138440

  • 65
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a hand-drawn balloon tail material. 手描きのフキダシしっぽ素材です。

Created in monochrome 600 dpi.
When I created it with a tool, it was too beautiful and didn't fit well, so I made it myself.
It looks like it was drawn in the G-pen of a manga, so I think it will fit well with hand-drawn balloons.

There are a total of 8 types, round and corner, left and right, and different sizes.

Unlike the balloon tail of the tool, this is used by dragging and dropping from a folder.
Please refer to the following for use.




Rounded tail 丸しっぽ

Tail with rounded corners 角丸しっぽ

Content ID:2138440

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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