Xmas 4 color scheme 10 + 20 color set + ice 5 color scheme (Xmas4配色10+20色セット+氷5配色) Xmas4配色10+20色セット+氷5配色

Content ID:2134721

  • 17

Xmas4配色10+20色セット+氷5配色です。 通常のXmasの配色より少しズレたニュアンスです。 Xmasの表現の漫画やイラストをお描きの方、Xmasグッズを作りたい方、セールのアイディアをお考えの方などにオススメです。 2024/12/03配色追加

Xmas 4 color scheme 10+20-color set
+ Ice 5 color schem. It is a nuance that is slightly different from the usual Xmas color scheme. It is recommended for those who want to draw comics and illustrations that want to change the expression of Xmas a little, those who want to create Xmas goods, and those who want to have sales ideas.2024/12/03 Color scheme added.

Xmas 4 color scheme 10+20-color set
+ Ice 5 color schem.It is a nuance that is slightly different from the usual Xmas color scheme. It is recommended for those who want to draw comics and illustrations that want to change the expression of Xmas a little, those who want to create Xmas goods, and those who want to have sales ideas.2024/12/03 Color scheme added.

Old version

Content ID:2134721

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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有難うございます!iPhoneで作成したなんとなく素材をアップしてます。いつかPCで作れたらと思います。まだまだ勉強中です。素材が変でしたら、お手数ですが直接お知らせ下さると非常に助かります! Thank you as always.I'm uploading the material I created with my iPhone.I hope I can make it on a PC someday. I'm still studying.

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