Text Numbering & Folder Separation (テキストナンバリング&フォルダ分け) テキストナンバリング&フォルダ分け

Content ID:2119023

  • 21
  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is the auto action I use when making YouTube cartoons.

They are numbered in order from top to bottom.
You can make it "Text 01" ~ "Text 20",
You can also number "Text 1-01" and "Text 2-01" by frame.

In addition, a auto action that can be divided into folders by frame after numbering is also enclosed.
* Up to 4 frames

「テキスト 1-01」「テキスト 2-01」と、コマ別でナンバリングもできます。


Content ID:2119023

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 1 hour ago

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